Robert Kolej’in kurucusu Cyrus Hamlin

[Robert Kolej’in kurucusu Cyrus Hamlin] Cyrus Hamlin, My Life and Times, The Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1924 (6. baskı). [2], 540 s, başlık s önünde pelür kağıdı ile korunmuş 1 levha (Cyrus Hamlin’in fotoğrafı), metin dışında 16 levhada fotoğraf ve çizimler, 18 x 12 cm, yayıncısının bez cildinde. 1000
Robert Kolej’in kurucusu Cyrus Hamlin (1811-1900) Fransız Huguenot soyundan gelir. Anadolu’daki Ermenilerini protestan mezhebine bağlayan misyonerlik çalışmaları ile tanınır. Asıl ünü Robert Kolej’in kurucusu ve ilk rektörü olmasından gelmektedir. Robert Kolej 1863 yılında Bebek’te ABD dışındaki en eski Amerikan okulu olarak kurulmuştur. Okul, zengin bir Amerikalı olan Christopher Robert ve İstanbul’da zaten bir fırın, bir çamaşırhane ve bir de okul işleten Cyrus Hamlin tarafından kurulmuştur. Kuruluşundan ancak altı yıl sonra Osmanlı Devleti tarafından verilen bir izinle Rumelihisarı sırtlarında verimli bir kampüs kurulabilmiştir. Hamlin’in anısına ilk yapılan bina Hamlin Hall olarak adlandırılmıştır. Çok yönlü ve yetenekli bir dahi olan Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, 1839 yılında Türkiye’ye gelmiş ve 1860 yılına kadar erkek öğrencilere seminerler vermiştir. 1856 yılında Kırım Savaşı sırasında Mr. Robert ile tanışmıştır. Mr. Robert’in vapuru İstanbul Limanı’na yanaşırken, görüntüsü insanı cezbeden bir kayık dolusu ekmeği fark etmiştir. Merakı artmış, ve bu ekmeklerin Cyrus Hamlin tarafından Üsküdar civarındaki Selimiye Kışlasında bulunan yaralı askerlere gönderildiğini öğrenmiş, bu garip tesadüf onların tanışmalarına neden olmuştur. Huguenot soyundan gelen bu iki adamın daha sonraki görüşmeleri, Robert Kolej’in kurulmasına vesile olmuştur.
İçindekiler (yalnızca Robert College ile ilgili bölümler)
LANDING AT CONSTANTINOPLE AND COMMENCEMENT OF MISSIONARY WORK. Meeting Mr. Homes, Our Teacher Avedis, Blindman’s Buff, The Evangelical Union, Secreting the Documents, Our Teacher taken away, Greek and French, Our new Teacher Mesrobe, His Arrest and Banishment and Escape, The rescued Sailor, Marcus Brown, Expulsion of the Missionaries, Last Prayer of Sultan Mahmoud, His Death, Loss of the Array and Fleet, Change of Government, Safety, Smallpox, Expectation of the Plague, Our Firstborn, My four Associates

BEBEK SEMINARY. Hiring a House, Temporary Location in an old Palace, The
beloved Invalids, Opening of the Seminary, November 4, 1840, The first two Students, Our Number full, Purifying the language, Effect of the Bible upon language, Fitting up a Workshop, the Seminary a Place of Power, Plan to break up the Seminary, Patriarch’s Secretary, Failure of the Plan, Street Scenes, The French College, Enlargement of the Seminary, The Daughter of our Proprietor, Visit to Brousa and Mount Olympus, Removal to a larger House, A thousand Visits, Asdik Agha, Bedros Gamalielian, His Conversion, A Philosopher, Rev Dr. G. W. Wood, Students from the Sultan’s College, Visit to the Imperial Jewels, Martyrdom of Hovakim, Sir Stratford Canning’s Treatment of the Case, The broken Oar

BEBEK SEMINARY. Division of Hours, Children’s Hour, Tea at 9 P.M, Remodeling the House, Course of Study, Character of the Students, Jesuit Attacks, Reply,, The Catholics of Etchmiadzm, Translation of Text-books, Poverty and Rags, Remedy, The Dadians, The English Engineers, Late Home, Industrial Work in the Seminary, Good Results, Zenope, Simon and Stepan, Opposition to Industries, Dr. Lawrence’s Letter, The Armenian Patriarchate, Its Power, The Anathema, The Burial of Oscan, Protection by Turkish Government, Protestant Honesty, Trades Unions, Baron Hovsep’s Rat Trap

THE SEMINARY AND A NEW ENTERPRISE. A flour Mill and Bakery, Charles Ede, Esq, Much Opposition and many Difficulties, The Constable and the Interdict, The Custom House, The steam Boiler and the Porters, Captain White and the English Sailors, My forty “Boys”, My first iron Casting, Letting on Steam, Gratifying Success, First Baking of Bread, Selling the Bread, Government Testers, One Failure, Tempering the steel Picks, Result of the first Year, Faithful Men, History of Dr Harutiune, Our “bira Bread”, Dr. Mapleton, Contract for the Hospital, The Sunday Delivery, filling up of the Hospital. Dr Menzies, Conspiracy, Appeal to Lord Raglan, Remarkable Deliverance, Misery in the Hospital, Florence Nightingale, Return to the bread Contract, Furnishing the Camp, The Provost and Sunday Supply, Coffee Episode, Church Building, Earthquake-proof, The Judge “left out”, Russian Piisoners, Pheir Rations,Battle of Inkerman, A Laundry, Building a Church out of a beer Barrel, Sixteen Professions, Cholera at the Bakery, Death of six Physicians

Results of the Industries, Change in the Seminary, Visit to the United States of America, Voyage to Trieste, Last Evening and Speeches, Visit to 'Trieste and Venice, Verona, Paris, London, Origin of Turkish Missions Aid Society, Earl of Shaftesbury, Archbishop of Canterbury. Drawing-room Meeting, Letter from the Earl, Note from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Return to America, Meeting with Friends, Old Friends in the Payson Church, The Armeman Circle, Return to England, Meetings of the Turkish Missions Aid Society, Dr. Duncan, Some Results of the Crimean War, Resuming Work at Constantinople

Purchase of a Site, My Relations with the American Board, Visit to the United States of America, Professor William Maltby, Venice, Solfermo, Milan, Lake Como, The Alps, Heidelberg, Pans, Sir Hugh Hughes, Member of Parliament, London, Harrow-on-the-Hill, The Steadmans, Sir Culling Eardley, Bad Passage in a bad Cunarder, Jubilee of the American Board, The Outlook Committee of the Congregational Club refuses to sanction my working in the Congregational Churches, In spite of all a great Meeting in Tremont Temple, Before the American Academy, Mr. Corliss, Rebellion, Mr Robert’s Decision, Return, English Feeling in London and Liverpool. Mont Cenis, Prohibition and Purchase of a new Site, Second Prohibition, The Abbe Bore, Mr. Robert firm. Opening the College without asking Leave, The Abbé checkmated, Unexpected Success, American Embassy, Sir Henry Bulwer, Bribery, Lord Lyons, Aah Pasha, Meeting at Hissar, Aali Lied, Midhat Pasha, The Morgan and Seward Episode, Admiral Farragut, His Questions, Imperial Iradé, Temper of the Pasha, All Materials to pass free for Work begun, Materials for Mortar, Trouble with Quarrymen, Laying of the corner Stone, Kurds as Workmen, Departure for their Homes, Letter from them, Henry M. Stanley, Visit of Mr. Robert, Transfer to new Building, Mystery cleared up. Ahmed Vefyk Pasha’s Character, Unwilling Return to America for an Endowment, Fire in Chicago causes my immediate Return,, Again left with my Family, Meeting and Presentation at Mr. John Seager’s, Address with Signatures

Talcott Williams, Turkey, A World Problem of to-day, Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City and Toronto, 1921. viii, [2], 336 s, başlık s önünde 1 harita, indeks, 21 x 14 cm, yayıncısının bez cildinde. Kitabın yazarı bir Amerikalı misyonerin oğlu olarak Türkiye’de doğmuş ve 16 yaşına kadar Türkiye’de yaşamıştır.

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