Türkiye Dahil Akdeniz Seyahatnamesi

John Bancroft Devins, The Classic Mediterranean, American Tract Society, New York, 1910. 256 s, başlık s önünde pelür kağıdı ile korunmuş 1 levha (Akdeniz haritası), metin içinde birçok resim, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, yayıncısının dekoratif bez cildinde. İstanbul, İzmir ve Efes dahil olmak üzere (s 85-132) Akdeniz havzasını içeren geniş kapsamlı bir seyahatnamedir.

Chapter I. The Classic Mediterranean – Its Romance and History
What Robert Browning Saw at Gibraltar – Thackeray's Experiences on the Sea – The Human Race at School – A Prayer for Sir Walter Scott

Chapter II. Madeira and the Azores
Entering the Harbor of Funchal – Travel by Sledge and Toboggan – Gambling in the Casino – Beautiful Gardens in Ponta Delgada

Chapter III. Gibraltar and Tangier
The Great Rock with a Noble History – Its Value to Great Britain – A Representative City of Morocco – France in Northern Africa

Chapter IV. Granada and the Alhambra
The Last Stronghold of the Moors in Europe – Fascination of the Alhambra – Splendid in Its Ruins – Seville and Cadiz

Chapter V. Algiers and Malta
An Arab Proverb to Describe a City – Algerians Through American Eyes – England's Eye in the Mediterranean Sea St. Paul's Bay

Chapter VI. Greece in Song and Story
History and Poetry Attest Noble Deeds – Famous Ruins in Athens – An Interview with King George – Excavations at Corinth

Chapter VII. Constantinople Old and New
The City on the Bosphorus Founded by the Greeks – The Seat of Moslem Rule – The Bible House, and the Mosque of St. Sophia

Chapter VIII. Under the New Constitution
The Young Turks in Control – Liberty Undergoing a Severe Test – America's Influence in the Empire – A Chat with an Ambassador

Chapter IX. Cross and Crescent in Conflict
Missionary Influence Extended – The Gospel in Many Tongues – The Moslems Alert and Aggressive – The Struggle to be Continued

Chapter X. Smyrna and Ephesus
Education and Missions – Polycarp's Confession and Tomb – How Brigands Ply Their Vocation – John's Letter to Smyrna – Paul's Prayer

Chapter XI. Beirut, Damascus and Baalbec
The American Press and the American College Message of a Veteran Missionary – Damascus and the Temple Ruins at Baalbec

Chapter XII. Higher Education in Turkey
Colleges Founded by Missionaries and Backed by American Gold – Instruction, Not Conversion, the Aim of Some Institutions

Chapter XIII. Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee
The Boyhood Home of Jesus – A Part of Palestine Replete with Bible History – Sites of Capernaum and Bethsaida

Chapter XIV. Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley
Through the Plain of Sharon – Interesting Days in the Holy City – Bethlehem, and the Mount of Olives – On the Way to Jericho

Chapter XV. Egypt and the Nile
The Gift of the River – Tribute to Turkey and Under the Control of England – A Holy War Suggested – The Suez Canal

Chapter XVI. Italy: People, Art and Religion
Naples and Vesuvius – Messina and the Disaster – Rome: Churches, and Ruins – Florence : Art and Romance Pisa and Its Leaning Tower – Venice, a City in the Sea

Chapter XVII. The Cruise of the Arabic
Three Continents and Many Countries Visited – Excursions in Spain, Greece, the Holy Land, Egypt and Italy Lasting Friendships formed
Home Thoughts from Europe


Mediterranean, Bird's-eye View of the
Palermo, Sicily, View of
Jaffa Harbor
Funchal, Madeira
Funchal, Toboggan Slide
Ponta Delgada, A Garden in
Azore Islands, Native Costume
Gibraltar, Rock of
Granada, The Generaliffe Near the Alhambra
Granada, The Alhambra
Granada, Street Scene in
Seville, Garden of the Alcazar
Seville Cathedral, Tomb of Columbus
Seville, Cathedral and Giralda
Algiers, A Mosque in
Algiers, Women in Street Costume
Algiers, Plaster Cast of Geronimo
Malta Harbor
Malta, St. Paul's Bay
Greece, The King and Queen of
Athens, The Acropolis by
Athens, The Caryatides
Athens, The Stadium
Athens, Mars' Hill, Where Paul Preached
Corinth, Remains of a Christian Church at
Constantinople and the Bosphorus
Constantinople, The Bible House
Constantinople, Mosque of St. Sophia
Constantinople, The Imperial Palace
Smyrna, American Collegiate Institute
Smyrna, At Tomb of Polycarp
Ephesus, Gateway of St. John's Church
Beirut, Place de Canon
Beirut, Rev. Dr. H. H. Jessup
Constantinople, Robert College
Beirut, Syrian Protestant College
Beirut, Rev. Dr. Howard S. Bliss
Nazareth, The Village and Fountain of Mary
Galilee, Tiberias and the Sea of
Jerusalem, David Street
Jerusalem, Russian Pilgrims
Jerusalem, A Band of Lepers
Good Samaritan Inn
Jerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity
Jerusalem, Gethsemane and Its Keeper
Jerusalem, Damascus Gate
Nile, Sailing on the
Cairo, An Egyptian Woman
Pyramids, Climbing the
Sphinx and the Pyramids, The
Cairo, Seti I. in the Museum of
Naples and Vesuvius, Bay of
Naples, Street Scene in
Sicily, A Sicilian Cart
Messina Before the Earthquake
Messina, Ruins of
Messina, The New
Rome, The Appian Way
Rome, St. Peter's
Florence, The Campanile
Florence on Holy Saturday
Fiesole, Near Florence
Pisa, Leaning Tower and Cathedral
Venice, Bridge of Sighs
Venice, The Winged Lion of Cover and
Venice, On the Grand Canal
Arabic Party, Some Members of the
Leonard, Rev. Dr. Joel
Lord Bishop of Ontario, The