Ortadoğu Seyahatnamesi

Charles McCormick Reeve, How We Went and What We Saw: A Flying Trip through Egypt, Syria, and the Ægean Islands, G. P. Putnam's, New York, London, 1891. vii, 397 s, ön kapak içinde 1 ex-libris etiketi, 22.5 x 15 cm, sayfalarının üst kenarlı altın yaldızlı, ön kapağı altın yaldızlı desenli karton cildinde.
Chapter I. Minneapolis to Brindisi
Chapter II. Brindisi to Alexandria
Chapter III. Alexandria
Chapter IV. Cairo
Chapter V. Ascent of the Pyramids
Chapter VI. Egypt as it is
Chapter VII. Up the Nile
Chapter VIII. Sakkarah, Beni-Hassan, and Denderah
Chapter IX. Thebes and Karnak
Chapter X. Edfoo, Philiey and Back to Cairo
Chapter XI. Cairo (concluded)
Chapter XII. Egypt as it Was
Chapter XIII. Cairo to Beyrout
Chapter XIV. Beyrout
Chapter XV. The Druses
Chapter XVI. Beyrout to Baalbec — Baalbec
Chapter XVII. The Mills of Baalbec — Baalbec to Damascus
Chapter XVIII. Damascus
Chapter XIX. Damascus (continued)
Chapter XX. Damascus (concluded)
Chapter XXI. Beyrout, St. George, and the Dog River
Chapter XXII. Cyprus, Rhodes, and the Ægean Islands
Chapter XXIII. Smyrna and the Bosphorus
Chapter XXIV. Constantinople
Chapter XXV. Constantinople (concluded)
Chapter XXVI. Athens
Chapter XXVII. Athens (concluded)
Chapter XXVIII. Practical Hints