Birans İmparatorunuun Romanı

[Anonim], Mahmoud, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1836. 2 cilt: 276 ; 274, [6] s, ex-libris etiketi, 19 x 11.5 cm, yayıncısının bez ciltlerinde. 3 ciltten oluşan 1. baskı Londra’da 1835 yılında yapılmıştır. Novel of a Greek Constantine, later Mahmoud, Morozi in Istamboul, Smyrna, et al. ADVERTISEMENT: The whole of the following narrative is a combination of facts derived from private sources or from personal observation. With the exception of a few of the inferior characters, and the trifling accessories necessary to blend the materials and impart a unity to the rather complex web of the narrative, the whole may be relied upon as perfectly true. The events detailed in these volumes, so far from being improbable, constitute the everyday pictures of Eastern life.