Çok Nadir Bir Seyahatname - Yazarından İmzalı

Edgar M. Condit, Two Years in Three Continents: Experiences, Impressions and Observations of Two American Abroad, Fleming H. Revell Company, Chicago, New York, Toronto, London, Edinburgh, 1904. 626 s, metin dışında 16 levha, indeks, yazarından ithaf imzalı (kitabın içinde yazı var), 23 x 14.5 cm, yayıncısının sırtı ay-yıldızlı dekoratif cildinde.
XXV. Cities of the Turk – Smyrna and Constantinople (s 301-313) ve XXVI. Home of the Sultan and His Repulsive Environment (s 314-326) başlıklı iki bölümde İstanbul ve İzmir anlatılmaktadır.

Part I
I. Touring Through Ireland and Scotland
II. Interesting Characteristics English Towns and Cities
III. Paris the Beautiful, Its Palaces and Art
IV. A Visit to Belgium and Holland Cities
V. Holland Continued – Includes Visit to Denmark
VI. Touring in the Mountains of Norway
VII. Stockholm – Baltic Sea Trip – St. Petersburg
VIII. Moscow – Russian Country and Its Peasant Life
IX. What One Sees in Berlin and Dresden
X. Six Other German Cities and the Rhine District
XI. A Pathetic Chapter of Personal History
XII. Switzerland via Heidelberg and Strasburg
XIII. Italy's Ancient Cities – Milan – Venice
XIV. Three Weeks in Florence – Her Art and Heroes
XV. Rome and Her Ruins – Her Ancient Suburbs and Monuments
XVI. Naples and Her Interesting Neighbors
XVII. A Month in Spain – Gibraltar – Granada – The Alhambra
XVIII. Seville – Her History- Her Artists and Cathedral- Cordova's Mosque – Madrid, the Capital City
XIX. Ancient Toledo – Palace of the Royal Dead of Spain
XX. Mediterranean Trip Egypt – 600 Miles up the Nile
XXI. Egypt's Ancient Cities, Monuments and Temples
XXII. Our Tour Through Palestine – Visit in Syria
XXIII. The Greek and His Once Great Cities
XXIV. The Greece One Sees To-day in a Five Weeks' Tour
XXV. Cities of the Turk – Smyrna and Constantinople
XXVI. Home of the Sultan and His Repulsive Environment
XXVII. Bulgaria-Hungary, Its Country, People and Cities
XXVIII. Vienna – The A.ustrian and His Capital City
XXIX. Vienna as Seen During a Five Weeks' Sojourn
XXX. Among the Bohemians – Unique Prague and Carlsbad
XXXI. Bavaria – Old Nuremberg – A Week in Munich

Part II
XXXII. En Route to Japan – Charming Moravia – The Trans-Siberian Route T
XXXIII. Russia's Great Wheat Fields – Picturesque Siberia, Central Asia, Manchuria, Country and Cities
XXXIV. Across Japan Sea Into the "Sunrise Land"
XXXV. The Real Jap in His Own Island Home
XXXVI. The New Japan as Seen From Tokio
XXXVII. Present Habits and Customs, Japanese People
XXXVIII. Yokahama – Kioto, the Old Capital and Its Institutions
XXXIX. Pay of Japanese Soldiers – Visit lo Osaka – Kobe College, Etc.
XL. "Homeward Bound" – Shanghai – China's Financial System
XLL Hong Kong – China as Seen at Canton, During Tep Days
XLII. Habits and Customs of the Celestial – "The Malayan"
XLIII. Touring India and Ceylon – Madura and South India
XLIV. Trichinopoly – Madras – Bombay and the Parsee
XLV. Hindoo Religion, Life and Customs as Seen at Bombay
XLVI. Ruins of Ancient Delhi – The Taj Mahal of Agra
XLVII. Benares, India's Religious Center – Mighty Himalayas
XLVIII. Observations En Route, India, Ceylon – Steamer Guests – Aden, Suez, Naples and a First Visit to Genoa
XLIX. Backward Glances Along the Corridors of Memory
Observations, Facts and Impressions gleaned while visiting Christian Missions, Schools and Colleges in -so-called "Heathen Lands" will be found in Chapters Nos. XXI, XXV, XXVI, XXX, XXXVI,


Ivy-covered ruins, Kilcrea Abbey, Ireland
Landscape along our coaching trip, Ireland
Beautiful Paris – a memorial church"
Garden of the Tuileries
Scenery along our Norway mountain drive
The author and his wife
The Lord always has been pretty good to 'Lizy’ and me
Architecture for which architect's eyes were cut out
The Kremlin at Moscow
Sister of Napoleon Bonaparte – sculpture by Canova
Cappuccini Cemetery decorations, Rome
Section of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain
Interior of Mosque, Cordova, Spain (see page 213)
Irrigation along the Nile, Egypt
Suburbs of Colombo, Ceylon
Monument where Napoleon met his "Waterloo" (see page 60)
Mohammedan Mosque on grounds of Solomon's Temple
Mosque and its environment, Constantinople
An interior view of the Mosque, Constantinople
Rathaus (City Hall), Vienna
Sectional view of Potsdam, Ger. (see page 106)
Bridge at Prague, Bohemia – the "Pilgrim's" Mecca
The Bear Pit, Berne, Switzerland (see page 136)
How the Japanese mother carries her baby
A Japanese Shinto Temple
Hindu Temple, Madura, India
Hall of 1,000 pillars, Trichinopoly Temple, India (see page 547)
Section Shah Jehan's Palace, Delhi, India
Palace (?) of the average Hindu
Taj Mahal – world's masterpiece in architecture